Recent/Significant Posts:

We often refer friends to our post(s) on our experiences with Ben's Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, as of yet these are:
--- Our introduction to this disease and basic timeline February 2012 through July 26, 2013.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Christmas was great! (My mom) Grandma Haroldsen was here for most of September, and Grandpa came out the Saturday before Christmas. New House + New Baby + Grandparents = Merry Christmas Indeed!

We didn't do anything "spectacular" --- just enjoyed being family and having fun with the kids. Matt did take 4-yr-olds Mike and Em and 2-yr-old Natalie shopping at a dollar store to pick out gifts for each other and for "Mommy", and they thought that was a wonderfully "big kid" thing to do... It also helped make a grand stack of presents under the tree (without breaking the bank)!
The kids had a good time posing in front of the tree to show off new outfits:

Mike & Em (4 1/2) and Natalie (almost 3)

3-week-old Esther

Christmas Eve we enjoyed the novelty of having a genuine fireplace to hang stockings by:

Chrismas Day we just took our time opening presents and watching the kids play...

...and, believe it or not, I (Jen) was terribly domestic and actually made rolls "from scratch"...

Anyway, we all had a great time! And just think - next year Esther will be old enough to enjoy everything, too!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Awesome to have had your folks in town for Christmas! Glad you survived the holiday!